Vous pouvez utiliser des emojis dans l'objet de votre email pour attirer l'oeil de vos destinataires.
Info | ||
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SPREAD supporte uniquement les emojis à 3 octets. En effet, ce sont ceux qui apportent la plus grande compatibilité avec les clients de messagerie (Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo...) |
Warning | ||
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Soyez bien conscient que tous les destinataires ne verront pas forcément les emojis. Attention donc à ne pas remplacer un mot par un emoji ! Pensez également au fait que les emojis s'affichent différemment suivant les ordinateurs ou les téléphones. (Android, iOS...) |
Vous pouvez copier / coller les emojis de votre choix dans la tableau ci-dessous :
Cette liste n'est pas exhaustive.
Emoji | Description |
✂ | black scissors |
✅ | white heavy check mark |
✈ | airplane |
✉ | envelope |
✊ | raised fist |
✋ | raised hand |
✌ | victory hand |
✏ | pencil |
✒ | black nib |
✔ | heavy check mark |
✖ | heavy multiplication x |
✨ | sparkles |
✳ | eight spoked asterisk |
✴ | eight pointed black star |
❄ | snowflake |
❇ | sparkle |
❌ | cross mark |
❎ | negative squared cross mark |
❓ | black question mark ornament |
❔ | white question mark ornament |
❕ | white exclamation mark ornament |
❗ | heavy exclamation mark symbol |
❤ | heavy black heart |
➕ | heavy plus sign |
➖ | heavy minus sign |
➗ | heavy division sign |
➡ | black rightwards arrow |
➰ | curly loop |
© | copyright sign |
® | registered sign |
‼ | double exclamation mark |
⁉ | exclamation question mark |
™ | trade mark sign |
ℹ | information source |
↔ | left right arrow |
↕ | up down arrow |
↖ | north west arrow |
↗ | north east arrow |
↘ | south east arrow |
↙ | south west arrow |
↩ | leftwards arrow with hook |
↪ | rightwards arrow with hook |
⌚ | watch |
⌛ | hourglass |
⏩ | black right-pointing double triangle |
⏪ | black left-pointing double triangle |
⏫ | black up-pointing double triangle |
⏬ | black down-pointing double triangle |
⏰ | alarm clock |
⏳ | hourglass with flowing sand |
▪ | black small square |
▫ | white small square |
▶ | black right-pointing triangle |
◀ | black left-pointing triangle |
◻ | white medium square |
◼ | black medium square |
◽ | white medium small square |
◾ | black medium small square |
☀ | black sun with rays |
☁ | cloud |
☎ | black telephone |
☑ | ballot box with check |
☔ | umbrella with rain drops |
☕ | hot beverage |
☝ | white up pointing index |
☺ | white smiling face |
♈ | aries |
♉ | taurus |
♊ | gemini |
♋ | cancer |
♌ | leo |
♍ | virgo |
♎ | libra |
♏ | scorpius |
♐ | sagittarius |
♑ | capricorn |
♒ | aquarius |
♓ | pisces |
♠ | black spade suit |
♣ | black club suit |
♥ | black heart suit |
♦ | black diamond suit |
♨ | hot springs |
♻ | black universal recycling symbol |
♿ | wheelchair symbol |
⚓ | anchor |
⚠ | warning sign |
⚡ | high voltage sign |
⚪ | medium white circle |
⚫ | medium black circle |
⚽ | soccer ball |
⚾ | baseball |
⛄ | snowman without snow |
⛅ | sun behind cloud |
⛎ | ophiuchus |
⛔ | no entry |
⛪ | church |
⛲ | fountain |
⛳ | flag in hole |
⛵ | sailboat |
⛺ | tent |
⛽ | fuel pump |
⤴ | arrow pointing rightwards then curving upwards |
⤵ | arrow pointing rightwards then curving downwards |
⬅ | leftwards black arrow |
⬆ | upwards black arrow |
⬇ | downwards black arrow |
⬛ | black large square |
⬜ | white large square |
⭐ | white medium star |
⭕ | heavy large circle |
〰 | wavy dash |
〽 | part alternation mark |
㊗ | circled ideograph congratulation |
㊙ | circled ideograph secret |